Saturday, January 06, 2007

Assault Course - 19th February

We will be holding an Assault Course for the little ones on February 19th (first mrning back after Half Term). This will be to raise money for our supported Charities and is generally great fun. The kids will each receive a certificate and a reward for their efforts - whilst we encourage them to do as much as possible, the joining in is the most important thing.

We attach a sponsorship for for this event and would ask you to start asking Grannies, Uncles, Neighbours etc to help us support others through this event.

If you get to the morning any haven't managed to get any sposnors, don't worry, your children can still join in but we would ask you to make a donation of your choice to the charity jar we will have available - obviously cheques are accepted from the millionaires amongst you :)


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