Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sept 2006 - Library Books and First Timers

Library books
We have a fresh supply of Library books this term. Pat takes extra care to ensure these are appropriate for the children as well as being fun and educational as well. These have a ‘P’ sticker on them – we hope you enjoy introducing your children to the joy of reading. We will also try to incorporate a ‘story time’ into Music Time – please feel free to bring along any favourites for us to share at this time.

First Timers

We are re-starting our waiting list with immediate effect. This is to keep numbers at a workable level – our maximum in any one session is 55 adults and children (not including staff). People often ask how long they will be on the waiting list – unfortunately this a little like asking “How long is a piece of string?”. Initially, we ask you to come for a first visit and to put your name on the list, you will then need to wait for us to allocate you a regular space. We allocate such spaces in chronological order (longest waiting first) once our numbers are under 50 for two consecutive weeks. I believe the shortest wait on record was three weeks and the longest was three months. If you had your name down in last term, you should now be aware that you have a regular space. If you have any queries please see Rhianne or email .


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