Saturday, July 01, 2006

June / July Notes

Oaks & Acorns
Elim Christian Centre, Hall Street, Chelmsford
Tel: 01245 358855

Hello and Welcome to June/July Oaks & Acorns notes.

We hope you will find time to sit with a cuppa and read on.

Romania Update
Darren (Rhianne’s Husband), Jenny and the team are now back from their Mission Trip to Romania. They saw many sad things but also many things where The Smiles Foundation has really been able to help. . . .

They met a little girl from the Gipsy Village – the camp where she lives suffers from flooding, manure and raw sewage run through the streets because of lack of basic sanitation. She walks barefoot because her family cannot afford shoes...

They met a little girl in the state run Hospital. Facilities are extremely poor and the Hospital would be condemned if it were in the UK. Children’s heads are shaved regardless of whether they are boys or girls to avoid lice. It is difficult to tell whether a child is a boy or a girl.
The children in this ward are abandoned children with nobody to care for them – Darren and the team spend the afternoon playing with them and giving hugs. ..

They meta 78 year old woman. She stands in front of her ‘house’ – most of us have better sheds! There is no state provision for people over 60 so she scrapes by. Smiles provide a monthly food parcel and regular visits. These help but she has no hope and says she is
‘waiting to die’. ..

Shoeboxes are still a much treasured possession among very meagre belongings.

One of the families sponsored through Smiles Foundation – their home has been renovated by Smiles, the two older children are now studying well at School and have been given food and a hope by the Smiles Foundation.

They visited The Children’s Centre built and run by Smiles. Abandoned Children are looked after here from the age of 0-6. By law at 6 years old they have to be placed back in an orphanage – a need Smiles are trying to work on. The playhouse in the picture was bought by Oaks and Acorns here in Chelmsford.

Thank you all for your support to our fund raising efforts – as you know half the proceeds go to The Little Havens Children’s Hospice here in Essex whilst the other half goes to The Smiles Foundation over in Romania.

The need is still great, please help us to support these Charities as much as you can through collecting 2ps, buying cards or just plain giving.

I know this sounds like we keep asking but I urge you to look into these people’s faces and reflect on how much we have.

The following poem was written by an American Pastor’s wife – they have moved out to Romania with their five children to run the Children’s Centre.

Tiny Fingers

Tiny fingers, tiny face –how did you ever end up in such a place?
Beautiful eyes, deep and dark – on what kind of future will you embark?
Who could leave this beautiful one – so tiny, so helpless – who’s life has just began
Did it break your mother’s heart to leave you alone,
Did she think you would be raised in a better home?
You are so small, so frail and so weak you just lie in your bed your days seem so bleak
Does anyone rock you and sing you to sleep?
Does anyone tell you you’re special or kiss your cheek?
Does anyone tell you, you were fearfully and wonderfully made?
And all your days were ordained when earth’s foundation was laid?
You are a creation of the master’s hand – little one, I know your life has a plan
You are so precious in His sight – So sweet little baby, just hold on tight
May the angels surround you and guard you dear one
And I pray someday you’ll know Jesus, God’s only Son
May someone come in and give you a home – so sweet little baby, you won’t be alone

2 Squared
Only 2 weeks to go!!
3rd July- we will be making a giant square on the floor in the main sanctuary and trying to fill it with 2ps. Everything we raise will be split between Little Haven’s Hospice and The Smiles Foundation.

The following little ones celebrate their birthdays
Alex Turhan – 7th July
Jake Adams – 15th July
William Bradshaw – 21st August
Jessica Dearing-Pegg –
27th August

We will try to do Birthdays and Bears on the first Monday of each month – please remind us when you book in if it is your little one’s birthday to ensure they don’t miss out.

We are still hoping to produce an Oaks & Acorns Recipe Book but unfortunately have not had much response yet. Please would you let us have your recipes as soon as possible and we will re-visit this project in the Autumn term.

Dates for your Diary
Last Oaks & Acorns this term – Monday 17th July

First Oaks & Acorns back in new Term – Monday 11th September

Some of our little ones are getting bigger and will be starting School soon – please let us know if your little one will be moving up as we would like to do a proper ‘Goodbye’ before they go – we are planning to do these al together on 17th June so please let us know if you cannot be with us on that morning.

Please remember our summer event . . .

Summer Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Saturday 22nd July
12 noon to 3pm
3 All Saints Close,
Springfield, CM1 7HT

This will be a no cost, fun afternoon for you and your family. Tents will be there so even if it is wet we can all meet up and have some fun !!!
The event is open to you and your partner, as well as older siblings and, of course, the guests of honour, our little acorns.

Refreshments and activities will be provided. Please let us know as soon as possible if you can/cannot make it so catering can be arranged accordingly.

This event is kindly being run for us by Val Week’s Lifegroup to positively encourage you all as families and carers and to thank Oaks and Acorns for the work we do in our Community. Should you want any further information on Lifegroups or Church Life, please see any of our staff.

Race for Life Update

Rhianne, Joyce and Pat are pleased to say that we completed the Race for Life at Hylands Park on Sunday 25th June.

We raised over £530 between us and we had a fun but tiring day. Well Done to any of you who joined – we trust you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Many thanks to those who have sponsored us – your generosity is most appreciated.

We may be taking photos of Oaks and Acorns over the next few months. If you have specific reasons why you do not want you or your children included in these, please let us know.

Maximum Numbers
Please note that we do have a maximum of 55 attendees at Oaks and Acorns – once we are at this level we declare ourselves officially ‘full’ and can allow no more through the doors.
We hate having to turn any away but the safety of the children is our prime concern. We recommend you arrive as early as possible to ensure you can get in – our doors open at 10:00am.

Our Church receptionists – can always pass messages on to Rhianne should the need arise:
Elim Christian Centre
01245 358855

Should you need to contact Rhianne or Joyce direct
01245 255761 (Home)


We regularly pray for the group and it’s attendees – please let us know should you have a specific need you would like us to remember.

Please check out the Greetings cards – handmade by Pat – they are really lovely and a bargain at just £1.50. Remember – half the proceeds go to our supported Charities.

Thank you for being with us.
Rhianne (Leader)
Elsie, Joyce, Pat, Jenny, Diana, Val Weeks, Val Harding,
Jean and Heidi.


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