Thursday, October 13, 2005

October notes

Oaks & Acorns
Elim Christian Centre, Hall Street, Chelmsford
Tel: 01245 358855

October 2005 Notes

Thought for the Day. . .
My mother said to me, “if you become a soldier you’ll be a general; if you become a monk you’ll end up as the pope.” Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.
Pablo Picasso

(Love) believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:7

Sponsored Assault Course
Monday 17th October
Please note this will be more Oaks & Acorns style rather than S.A.S style and should be able to be completed fairly easily by your little ones and without the need for a parachute!!! Funds raised will go towards our supported Charities – please start collecting sponsors today – sponsorship form available at O & A

Cake Mornings
We need some Mums who would be prepared to make some cakes to bring down for us all to enjoy in the morning - to raise funds for our supported Charities – just one cake/traybake – we are not asking for the entire Bakery section of Tesco!! If you could do this, please let Pat or Rhianne know as soon as possible.

Small Change . . . Big Difference
Please don’t forget to collect your pennies and bring them in for this year’s supported Charities.
These are Little Havens Children’s Hospice here in Essex and
The Smiles Foundation in Romania – children’s work. More pots available on registration desk.

Can we make a polite request to please bring in correct change (£1.00 wherever possible) – Many Thanks

Photo Morning
Up and coming – 7th November – a lovely keepsake of these precious years for you – any queries, please see Rhianne.

Dates for your Diary
No Oaks and Acorns 24h October - Half Term week – back as usual on 31st October.

Card money
Pat has handmade a lovely selection of cards this year. These are available for just £1.50 per card and are out in the Lounge each week – please browse through and pick one (or several) up today – half the proceeds will go to our chosen charities.

It is our aim to do birthdays on the first morning of each month and we will now be giving out a ‘Birthday Bear’ to each child on their birthday.
Please can you let us know when you register in that your child will be celebrating their birthday soon so we do not miss anyone out.

Waiting List
We clear this as soon as possible , just so you aware, this is our policy:
§ First timers are welcome to join us for their initial visit at any point – we will then hold your details on file and let you know as soon as space is available. Unfortunately, we have no way of telling how long you may need to wait as this depends on our numbers week by week. If you would like an update, please check out our blogspot .
§ Our numbers have to be below 50 (adults and children) for two consecutive weeks before we allow new people to join, this is done in chronological order.
§ If you have four consecutive unexplained absences, you are at risk of losing your regular space here at Oaks and Acorns.
§ We have a maximum number of 55 (adults and children) at any one session. This is on a first come, first served basis. We start at 10:00am and run until 11:30am. We would recommend you arrive early as this will give you the best chance of getting in. We apologise if we ever have to turn you away. Please be aware that this is for Health and Safety reasons, more than 55 people can greatly increase the risk of accidents.
If you have any queries, please speak to Rhianne.

Thank you for being with us, we hope to see you again soon.

Rhianne (Leader)
Elsie, Joyce, Pat, Jean, Jenny, Christine, Val H and Val W
Oaks and Acorns Staff

Oaks & Acorns
Elim Christian Centre, Hall Street, Chelmsford
Tel: 01245 358855


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