Friday, September 16, 2005

Small Change . . . Big Difference

We have decided this year to focus our charity giving to two specific charities.
These will be Little Havens Children’s Hospice here in Essex and
The Smiles Foundation in Romania – children’s work. If you would like further information on either of these Charities, please let us know.

We believe it is important to encourage children to support other children. We wanted to help a local charity and one further afield, Home and Overseas effectively.

All our fundraising this year will therefore be split equally between the two chosen charities.

We will be doing a sponsored trundle later this year but we will also be trying various other fund raising activities.

Toy Swap – please start looking out any good quality used toys – we will shortly be doing a ‘Toy Swap’ morning – you will bring down what you no longer need and ‘swap’ it for something else for a donation to the charities.

Cake Mornings – would any of you Mums be prepared to make some cakes to bring down for us all to enjoy in the morning - again raising funds?
If you could do this, please let Pat or Rhianne know so we don’t have too many all on the same morning (Question – can you have too many cakes???)

Penny pots – once again these will be available for your small change – please collect and bring in regularly – as we say above small change . . . big difference.

Card money – Pat has handmade a lovely selection of cards this year. These are available for just £1.50 per card and are out in the Lounge each week – please browse through and pick one (or several) up today – half the proceeds will go to our chosen charities.

If you have any other fund raising ideas, please let us know.

Subs – this year we will give 10% of all the subs we take to our supported charities.
10% will also go to the Church itself to help towards our running costs.
Note – please try to bring the correct change (£1.00) whenever possible – Thank you.

Because we are concentrating all our efforts on Little Havens and The Smiles Foundation, we will not directly be doing Harvest for the Hungry or Shoeboxes this year. However, the Church as a whole will be doing these projects and if you would like to support them individually, we can give you the appropriate information.


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