Monday, October 31, 2005

November Notes

Hello and Welcome to Oaks and Acorns and another busy month.

Welcome to Diane Bailey who I believe will be joining as our latest member of staff – I trust you will all help to make her feel welcome.

Photo Morning – Monday 7th November 2005
This makes a lovely present for Grandparents, etc at this time of year and is a lovely way to cherish memories of your little ones. Tempest Ltd will be here for the morning. Sets are normally back within about 2 weeks and cost depends on which set you have – full details will be enclosed with your prints.

It is our aim to do birthdays on the first morning of each month and we will now be giving out a ‘Birthday Bear’ to each child on their birthday.
Please can you let us know when you register in that your child will be celebrating their birthday soon so we do not miss anyone out.

Sponsored Assault Course
Well Done to all of you who completed our Assault Course in October – you did so well. Please collect any sponsorship monies and bring them in as soon as possible. All funds raised will go to this year’s supported charities.

Small Change . . . Big Difference
Please remember to keep collecting pennies in pots for our supported Charities – remember . . small change – big difference.

Toy Swap – Monday 21st November
We will be doing a toy’ swap’ on Monday 21st November – please bring along any good quality toys or books – you can then pick up others for a donation to the supported Charities. It could be an ideal way of picking up some bargain Christmas gifts. Items can be collected from the Centre up to 5:45 on the Monday if this would help you out at all – any queries, please ask Rhianne.

Moulsham Street Lighting Up – Saturday 19th November
This is a really lovely day that we, as a Church, love to support. When the fun of the Balloons, Carols, Father Christmas and the lighting up parade finishes in Moulsham Street, we start here at the Centre. We have free drinks, Bouncy Castles and face painting. It really is great fun and we would love to see any of you there.

Christmas Party
Monday 12th December 10:30 to 12:30
Yes, it is nearly that time of year again.
We will be doing things a little differently this year. We know you are all incredibly busy and to this end, we are doing our bit to save you time and effort!!
We will be catering for the event – all you have to bring is yourselves (and your little ones of course!!). We will be having a themed party and will let you know in due course what our theme will be. Cost for the party will be just £2.00 (payable in advance) per family and tickets will be available from 21st November.

Final Thoughts . . .
It's just as well that GOD above has never gone on strike,
Because He thought we'd been unfair or for things He didn't like.
If He had even once sat down and said "I've had enough,
Of those on earth, so this I'll do - I'll make the going tough.
I'll give my order to the sun, cut off the heat supply,
And to the moon give no more light, and run their rivers dry;
Then first to make it really tough, and put the pressure on,
I'll turn off all the oxygen, till every breath is gone."
He'd really be quite justified, if justice is the claim,
For no one has been more abused, or treated with disdain
than God - and yet He carries on, Supplying you and me
with all the favours of his grace and everything is free.
If men may want a better deal, then out on strike they go,
But what a deal we've given God for everything we owe.
We don't care whom we hurt to gain the things we like,
But what a mess we'd all be in if God should go on strike.

Thank you for being with us, we hope to see you again soon.

Rhianne (Leader)
Elsie, Joyce, Pat, Jean, Jenny, Christine, Val H, Val W and Diane
Oaks and Acorns Staff


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