Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sept 2006 - How the morning runs . . .

How the morning runs . . .
Just in case you are not sure or need reminding

10:00am – Doors open – Oaks and Acorns ready to go
We would recommend you arrive as early as possible – we have a maximum number of 55 adults and children at which point we have to close the doors.
Please collapse your buggies and store in the main church.
Please register in at the desk in Oaks and Acorns main room as you come in and pay your subs(correct change if possible)

10:00am to 11:00am
Free play – enjoy the playdough, craft, books, dressing up, big toys, baby corner (12 months and under only please), trains, cars and anything else we have out. Have a drink and a biscuit (cakes if we have a special week!). Please keep hot drinks in the lounge where the sofas are. If biscuits get dropped on floor please try to clear up – dustpan & brush are kept behind the counter in the kitchen –or alert a member of staff. It can be a lot harder to clear up once 55 people have trodden it in!!

11:00am to 11:05am
Last orders for drinks or finish up any craft you are working on.

11:05 to 11:30
Music Time – this happens in the lounge and everyone joins in! We know you may feel a little silly singing ‘Dingle dangle Scarecrow’ and doing the actions but
1) your kids will love it even more if you do it
2) it is a great stress reliever – honest! (though we don’t recommend doing it whilst driving – okay maybe singing but not with actions!!!
We use Music Time to give you any notices and let you know of anything coming up. We also celebrate birthdays during this time – usually with a card and a treat. Please make sure you let us know if you have a birthday in the current month as and when you register in so we don’t miss anyone out.

11:30am – GoodbyeThat’s All Folks – Unless any of you have a burning desire to stay and clear up!


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