Thursday, December 22, 2005


Hi Everyone - jusyt a quickie to wish you all a Happy Christmas from all at Oaks & Acorns. Hope you all enjoyed the Christmas Party on the 12th - it was exhausting but lots of fun.

Also hope those of you who did get tickets to see Narnia enjoyed it - I paid for us as a family to go last Saturday and I know my Chantal (aged 9) did spend quite a bit hiding behind her jumper - hope yours weren't too distressed. Also hope you noted the similarities between Aslan and what Jesus did for us!

We are back on Monday 9th January 2006 10:00am to 11:30am. Waiting list very low now and we should be able to clear in January - will let you know soon if you can start with us on a regular basis.

Blessings for the season - we hope you have a good time.


Rhi & Oaks & Acorns Team