Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Waiting List Update 28th Feb 2005

Our numbers were above 45 again this week - 49 actually. This means that we can not yet allow anyone in off the waiting list.
The waiting list works on the basis that we need to be 45 (adults and children - not staff) for two consecutive weeks, at which point we contact people from the waiting list and let them know they can join us on a regular basis.
Our maximum number is 55 - this is for Health and Safety reasons - if we get up to this on a morning we cannot allow anyone else to come into the session on that morning.
If you do not attend for 5 consecutive weeks with unexplained absences, you may lose your space on our register and need to rejoin the waiting list.
For regular updates on the waiting list, please check this blogspot.


At 1:01 AM, Blogger PatK said...

Great blog, Rhi - I think this will prove really useful, and I think the chosen links are excellent

Well Done


At 2:49 AM, Blogger SarahB said...


This is really useful both personally and for prayer too.

Can I talk to you about putting Daniel's name down on the waiting list for May time (when the weather improves...)



At 2:59 AM, Blogger rhi said...

I will out your name down on the waiting list now as we already have 12 on it - hopefully there will be space by May for you. You are entitled to a first visit prior to the waiting list as well so come down any Monday - we look forward to seeing you.


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